Monday, January 20, 2014

Lesson 1A

1. I chose the land mammal hedgehog to complete my exploration of world book. In World Book Kids,  I found a nice picture of the hedgehog.

The article was factual and concise; not overwhelming for young readers. The text could be read aloud for youngsters that have trouble reading. I also noticed that there was citation information needed and that the content was aligned with SD standards.

2.  In World Book Student, I searched hedgehog. The information that came up pretty much the same as in WB Kids. The differences I saw was that in the student edition, web sites and magazine articles were also included for further research.

3. I searched the country Poland. After my initial search, I noticed on the left was a contents page of sorts of what information was available. I could tell that I mostly work with K-4 graders as this wasn't as easy for me to navigate. However when I clicked on the first encyclopedia article for Poland, I again noticed the contents listed on the left side. This would help students scan articles and hone in on specific information.

4. In World Book Discover there are options to change article so that it can be in read in Spanish or French.


  1. Thanks for your work here, Peggy. Since you are K-4, I hope you will spend some more time in World Book Kids and get to know it's special features. You noted some important, useful points about World Book Kids articles. We also know that young children are able to navigate & use this by themselves. I hope your students like it! Thanks!

  2. Our first graders are using it right now so we are learning a few things :)

  3. I hope you and they are having fun learning with World Book Kids! :)
