1. I looked up the maintenance schedule for our 2002 Pontiac GrandAm. 30.000 miles was the first time on the maintenance schedule for accessory drive belts, fuel systems, and ignition cables to be inspected and serviced. It is also the first scheduled replacement of air filter and spark plugs. We have owned this vehicle since 2002 and now there are over 100,000 miles on it. Where we bought the vehicle is the same place where we took it to be serviced. I like to think they were honest and did what was needed to keep the car running smoothly. I think knowing about this feature would be beneficial in giving a person more information about their vehicle so when they need to visit with their mechanic they can be better informed.
2. The most recent Technical Service Bulletin was issued in July of 2003. The notice was about the steering wheel position sensor. I guess it kind of makes me feel good that their are not a lot of recent bulletins....it is a well made vehicle!
3. The repair tab allows a user to continue to find more information about making repairs for their vehicle. On the left side is a collapsible table of contents of sorts. When I clicked on brakes, six more choices were available to click on. If there is a + sign in front of the word, I can click on it to go deeper into the topic. There was a lot of information on brakes as well as diagrams. I also noticed a place that showed the path of how I arrived at the spot where I stopped. I think this is good because sometimes we get lost in all of the clicks we make while exploring a site. Information could also be printed if needed.
All in all, I learned a lot about this site. My husband tends to take care of the vehicles; but if I knew of a single woman who needed to take their car to the mechanic for maintenance; I would recommend that she look through the maintenance schedule just to give her a feeling of confidence! :)
I agree, Peggy, that this database can give non-mechanics a greater sense of security in getting their cars maintained & repaired! We think it is very easy to use. Thanks for your comments!