Monday, March 31, 2014

Lesson 9 History and Genealogy Resources

Looks like can't access this at home. I will try it again tomorrow at work.

Lesson 8 World Cat, CAMIO and more......

 I searched for the book Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine. I had just read it and it was the first book to come to my mind. There are 402 libraries that have this book and the first library on the list is Dakota Wesleyan University, McGovern Library.

The Class descriptor for the book is LC: PZ7.E7388 or Dewey: FIC

When I clicked on the author's name no other books by her were listed; however a book in which she was interviewed was included. Clicking on the first subject listed Asperger's Syndrome, 175 new entries were listed. This included books, Internet and sound. This is a great resource if a student Recently a teacher asked me for historical fiction books for the time period of 1840-1880. I think I could use this site as a resource to find books that fit her parameters.

Lesson 7 E Books on EbscoHost

1. I searched "standardized tests" as I thought that would be interesting to see what information was available. There were 45 articles found in the search. I am not sure if it was something wrong with my computer or what but I couldn't get any of the articles or books to download. I tried downloading different programs that I thought I might need; but it still didn't work for me.

2. I really didn't find much on the Constitution Day. It was hard to look at books when I really couldn't get in and look at the book. I should try this again at school on another computer.

3. When doing an advanced search I was able to hone down to only four entries. The four books were about Native Americans. Again when I tried to open a page from the book, I didn't get anything. There was a little box in the upper left corner with an X in it. It would like it was downloading and then nothing happened.
I have made an account and signed in and it still did not help. I am feeling frustrated with this site.

Lesson 6 Gale Virtual Reference Library

1. The book that I "pulled the shelf" was Bowling, Beatniks and Bell Bottoms: Pop Culture of 20th and 21st Century America. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Anyway, I picked the volume for the 1960's and then chose Fashion. With older students I think it would be fun to make comparisons of fashions of today to those of previous decades. I have library skills for K-4th grade. When we have special days during Homecoming, it might be fun to show students what was popular fashion for the 70's, 80's or whatever decade that is being portrayed. This site was very easy to navigate and again I was unaware of all of the information available. I am going to try to remember to use this site when I am next asked why this or that.....little kids often have very inquisitive minds :)

PS I also just noticed that I can email bookmark URLs to help find articles at a later date.

2. I searched for gluten free diet and ended up reading and listening to an article about Celiac Disease. I could read the article or listen to the article. I could even download it to a MP3 player or ereader and listen to it later, which I thought was kind of cool. If I needed, I could print the article or email it to my account. While reading the article, if I came across a word that I didn't know or understand the meaning of, I could look it up in the dictionary that is provided. Gale Virtual Reference Library is another treasure that I really didn't know much about. For my older students, third and fourth graders, I could use this site to find information about a favorite author, such as Dr. Seuss.

Now I am off to check what other people are finding out......

Lesson 5 ProQuest

1. I did a basic search on Pope Francis. I was surprised at how many entries came up. On the left side there were several suggestions as to how to narrow the search. I chose to limit it by publication and the list of entries reduced by about 20,000. Proquest is a great resource for students doing research. I also used it quite a bit when I got my Masters degree a few years ago. I was having trouble finding current articles on a topic that needed to be researched and I finally found some using Proquest.

2. I searched for the "Reading Teacher" journal. It is provided from 1988 to the current date of 2014. I saw that I could set up an alert to keep on top of when the journal was available. I searched for the term "prior knowledge" within the publication of "Reading Teacher" and 458 entries were found. If I find articles I wish to save, I can. I can also email or print a copy if I needed to. Because I don't do it often enough, I was pleased to see that citing options were available to help people like me.

Lesson 4 SIRS Researcher and Discover

SIRS Discoverer

1. I searched the animal hedgehog by typing it in the search box above the subject tree icons. The search resulted in 97 articles including 17 newspaper articles, 53 magazine articles, 23 reference articles, 16 graphics and no web sites. The articles varied in reading difficulty from easy to challenging. There were many articles that included graphics which were designated by the use of the camera icon. Even though many of the articles were not current as in this year; as I read some of the articles, I still felt articles had pertinent information.

2.  I searched the country Samoa using the link for Country Facts. I like how the information is set up in that there are basic facts listed in one column and major events in history in the second column. There is also a flag and map of where it is located. In addition, there are many links for a student to follow and gather even more information on a country.

I can see using the Maps of the World section in many ways. Fourth graders study the regions and individual states of the US. Students could print off outline maps to be able to fill in cities, rivers, mountains, etc as well as drawing in products found in the state. Historical maps can be used to study certain historical events such as Civil War.

I was pleased to see the addition of the nonfiction books. However, when I clicked on the books, they would not load on my computer so I don't know if the issue is my computer or a problem with the program. I will try it again at school.

I really like using the Sirs Discoverer with my third and fourth graders. After they have spent a couple library sessions exploring the site, I have a Sirs Discoverer Challenge. I divide the class into four teams. One team member at a time goes to the computer with the Sirs Discoverer home page ready to go. I then ask a question such as "Find an outline map of South Dakota." or "Find a picture of Barack Obama." The team that finds the answer first gets a two points. If other teams find the answer as well, I give their team one point. They discover there are many ways to get to the same answer and they have fun. The best part is they are learning how to use the site and have fun doing it.

SIRS Researcher

1. I selected the topic of autism to explore using the SIRS researcher site. The topic overview for this topic was mental health. Several other research tools were available as well including timelines, global impact, and statistics. There was also a note organizer to help students organize what they have learned so they later can present it to their classmates. Articles are listed on the right side as newspapers, magazines, reference and graphics. I noticed that the articles were current. The first article was dated 2014.

2.  Curriculum Pathfinders: I clicked on social studies and noted there were several options available, including current events, timelines and world maps. I also like the research ideas located in the middle of the web page.

Lesson 3 Learning Express Library

1.  Very easy to access and set up an account.
2. I chose to complete "4th Grade Data Analysis". It was easy to navigate through the test. There were good explanations. When I clicked on "View Answers", I was able to read through the questions and compare my answers to the correct answers. Explanation as to why an answer was correct and the other three answers were wrong were given. It was very easy to understand.
3.  For the next part "Job Searching and Workplace Skills", I chose to explore the vocabulary and spelling sections. I found this part interesting as there were many words I didn't know but as I went through the section, I had a better understanding of several new words. I can see myself using this just for fun to increase my vocabulary.
4.  At this time I can't complete question 4 as the site is not taking my user name and password. I have contacted the site and hope to get it all squared away soon.