Monday, March 31, 2014

Lesson 4 SIRS Researcher and Discover

SIRS Discoverer

1. I searched the animal hedgehog by typing it in the search box above the subject tree icons. The search resulted in 97 articles including 17 newspaper articles, 53 magazine articles, 23 reference articles, 16 graphics and no web sites. The articles varied in reading difficulty from easy to challenging. There were many articles that included graphics which were designated by the use of the camera icon. Even though many of the articles were not current as in this year; as I read some of the articles, I still felt articles had pertinent information.

2.  I searched the country Samoa using the link for Country Facts. I like how the information is set up in that there are basic facts listed in one column and major events in history in the second column. There is also a flag and map of where it is located. In addition, there are many links for a student to follow and gather even more information on a country.

I can see using the Maps of the World section in many ways. Fourth graders study the regions and individual states of the US. Students could print off outline maps to be able to fill in cities, rivers, mountains, etc as well as drawing in products found in the state. Historical maps can be used to study certain historical events such as Civil War.

I was pleased to see the addition of the nonfiction books. However, when I clicked on the books, they would not load on my computer so I don't know if the issue is my computer or a problem with the program. I will try it again at school.

I really like using the Sirs Discoverer with my third and fourth graders. After they have spent a couple library sessions exploring the site, I have a Sirs Discoverer Challenge. I divide the class into four teams. One team member at a time goes to the computer with the Sirs Discoverer home page ready to go. I then ask a question such as "Find an outline map of South Dakota." or "Find a picture of Barack Obama." The team that finds the answer first gets a two points. If other teams find the answer as well, I give their team one point. They discover there are many ways to get to the same answer and they have fun. The best part is they are learning how to use the site and have fun doing it.

SIRS Researcher

1. I selected the topic of autism to explore using the SIRS researcher site. The topic overview for this topic was mental health. Several other research tools were available as well including timelines, global impact, and statistics. There was also a note organizer to help students organize what they have learned so they later can present it to their classmates. Articles are listed on the right side as newspapers, magazines, reference and graphics. I noticed that the articles were current. The first article was dated 2014.

2.  Curriculum Pathfinders: I clicked on social studies and noted there were several options available, including current events, timelines and world maps. I also like the research ideas located in the middle of the web page.

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