Monday, March 31, 2014

Lesson 7 E Books on EbscoHost

1. I searched "standardized tests" as I thought that would be interesting to see what information was available. There were 45 articles found in the search. I am not sure if it was something wrong with my computer or what but I couldn't get any of the articles or books to download. I tried downloading different programs that I thought I might need; but it still didn't work for me.

2. I really didn't find much on the Constitution Day. It was hard to look at books when I really couldn't get in and look at the book. I should try this again at school on another computer.

3. When doing an advanced search I was able to hone down to only four entries. The four books were about Native Americans. Again when I tried to open a page from the book, I didn't get anything. There was a little box in the upper left corner with an X in it. It would like it was downloading and then nothing happened.
I have made an account and signed in and it still did not help. I am feeling frustrated with this site.

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