Monday, March 31, 2014

Lesson 6 Gale Virtual Reference Library

1. The book that I "pulled the shelf" was Bowling, Beatniks and Bell Bottoms: Pop Culture of 20th and 21st Century America. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Anyway, I picked the volume for the 1960's and then chose Fashion. With older students I think it would be fun to make comparisons of fashions of today to those of previous decades. I have library skills for K-4th grade. When we have special days during Homecoming, it might be fun to show students what was popular fashion for the 70's, 80's or whatever decade that is being portrayed. This site was very easy to navigate and again I was unaware of all of the information available. I am going to try to remember to use this site when I am next asked why this or that.....little kids often have very inquisitive minds :)

PS I also just noticed that I can email bookmark URLs to help find articles at a later date.

2. I searched for gluten free diet and ended up reading and listening to an article about Celiac Disease. I could read the article or listen to the article. I could even download it to a MP3 player or ereader and listen to it later, which I thought was kind of cool. If I needed, I could print the article or email it to my account. While reading the article, if I came across a word that I didn't know or understand the meaning of, I could look it up in the dictionary that is provided. Gale Virtual Reference Library is another treasure that I really didn't know much about. For my older students, third and fourth graders, I could use this site to find information about a favorite author, such as Dr. Seuss.

Now I am off to check what other people are finding out......

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